Matchbox V1.5.19 Crashing Pro Tools 2023.9 and 2023.6 during reconform

I haven’t tried your published recommendations yet…that will be next and I’ll let it run while I catch some sleep.

(I’m a bit nervous about thinning automation…im reconforming stage sessions from a temp dub that we’re doing again next week. Automation matching stems is critical for us to be able to quickly punch in on existing stems.)

Again, I’ll report back!


64+ min for the last pass but there were definitely less Region Groups in this last pass. Eucon was turned off as well. No markers dropped in this pass but automation cuts were healed.

Next pass I’ll deactivate all groups, reduce undo levels and set the MB speed to “Normal”. I’m going to hold off on thinning automation for now.


Hmph…just made all of those changes that I mentioned in my last post and clicked on “Run It”…

I received this error message (hadn’t changed anything to do with frame rates in either PT or MB and the Helper plugin was open in PT):

Thinning automation is pretty safe these days and dense, pointless automation breakpoints is one of the worst contributors to poor performance in Pro Tools.

Take copy of your session, thin automation and then check out the session file size. Crazy right?

Argh…it seems I have broken everything by making those changes that I described. I have now relaunched MB and PT and have also tried restarting my machine and I still get the frame rate error. Again, I didn’t change anything in either program regarding frame rate. I guess it’s a sign to go to bed.

I can’t work in “Normal” speed. If I change it to “Normal” I get the above error message, regardless of other settings. Switch it back to “Careful” or “Very Careful”, everything runs.

That said, at “Careful”, it’s giving me an ETA of 140+ minutes right now.

Sooooo…I’m going to bed. lol

Thanks again for everything Justin.

P.S. Definitely set to “playlist” in the Helper plug in window

It would be very strange if this was the issue but…
In an audiosuite plugin people sometimes change Playlist to Clip List.
This spoils the Matchbox Helper workflow.
It must be set to Playlist.


207+ min on the last pass; 73 redos. Obv. still running at “Careful” speed because it wouldn’t start at any other setting. All tracks deactivated.

Forgot to mention…I am running on a reasonably speedy machine: M1 Ultra (128GB RAM) under Ventura 13.4.1.


73 redos is bad.
Something is wrong. Did you thin auto?

I didn’t…I will try that on my next round. As non-sensical as it sounds, I was on a bit of a time-crunch so I just went with the session “as is” and let it reconform while I slept. So, despite it being really slow, it didn’t hold me up,

I’ll continue to report back as I’m sure that we’ll have another round of conforms on this film.
